
Best Free Usenet Reader For Mac

Best Free Usenet Reader For Mac
  1. Mac Usenet Reader
  2. Best Free Usenet Reader
  3. Best Usenet Reader
Active3 years, 8 months ago

I know about Unison. Are there any decent free usenet readers for Mac OS X Leopard?

The free Mac Usenet client will download, repair and extract files with ease. Simply use a Usenet search engine and drop the NZB into Binreader. Read our Binreader review for more information. The Best Free Usenet Newsreader Clients Of 2017 Written by Anthony MacKenzie on July 29, 2017 in VPN Stuff Usenet has been around for a long time now (since the 70’s in fact).

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Peter HovenPeter Hoven
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5 Answers

Mozilla Thunderbird does a decent job with usenet.

52.6k13 gold badges126 silver badges158 bronze badges

You can get the standard *nix ones via Fink or MacPorts. I'm partial to slrn, but that's a console app. If you prefer a gui, there's Pan. I've used it on Linux, and it was good. I can't speak to how well it works in OS X. (The Pan webpage mentions OS X as supported, so that's a good start.)


If you are comfortable tracking down dependencies and compiling, you can also build these on a Mac without Fink or MacPorts, but the package managers make upgrades and removal a lot easier.


If you're after binary newsreader (i.e., you just want a tool to aggregate and reassemble binary postings), you might want to take a look at ninan - since its web/java based it should be pretty platform agnostic.

Rob CowellRob Cowell
1,0882 gold badges14 silver badges30 bronze badges

I second Pan (install via MacPorts).Thunderbird (v3.0.1) becomes painfully slow and often crashes with larger lists.Another option (though limited in the number of headers it will download) is: MT-Newswatcher http://www.smfr.org/mtnw/

Plotmaker file reader for mac But you can open HFSExplorer, read a Mac-formatted drive, and copy the files to your Windows PC without paying a dime. It can also mount Mac.dmg disk images to get at the files inside them. This application’s read-only nature isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Feb 12, 2004  - files are PDF'd from Plotmaker using Amyuni PDF driver - my default printer is an HP 5000 laserjet. Software you are using to view/print the files. Have you tried printing both files from both machines? Print the Mac generated file from the PC and the PC generated file from the Mac.). And Adobe Reader goes even farther to add. ArchiCAD/PlotMaker Plot to File Procedures for Sending Plots to HONBLUE. Stuff the file (Mac). This will send a file of a substantial smaller size to be plotted. If you do not have the software, go to. Mac users MUST remember to put extension.txt after the Read Me file. PlotMaker was a layouting program that was part of the ARCHICAD package. This standalone application was optimized to prepare an architectural.

Mac Usenet Reader


I should go for NZBin

NZBin is a free Usenet client for the Mac OS X with a great GUI and has all features included (auto repairing, extracting, etc.). And it is the fastest client I've ever seen.

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Best Free Usenet Reader


Best Usenet Reader

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